I am active on APRS, the Automatic Packet Reporting System and operate internet gateways (IGates) on 2m and 30m.
I use a number of different APRS SSIDs. These are the G4ILO calls you may see on the air:
- G4ILO-2 is my 2m VHF IGate on 144.800MHz. It uses APRSIS32 software and my Kenwood TM-D710 transceiver running 5W to a 2m/70cm vertical. G4ILO-2 runs during the day and early evening. This is the best APRS address to use for messaging me.
- G4ILO-10 is my 30m RPR IGate on 10.1473 MHz USB. It uses my Elecraft K2/10 with an SCS Tracker/DSP TNC in Robust Packet mode. Power is 10W and the antenna is an MFJ magnetic loop. This IGate also operates during the day and early evening.
- G4ILO-5 is my weather station using a Nevada (Fine Offset) WH-3080 SOLARand Cumulus software. It runs via my G4ILO-2 IGate. Weather beacons are generated every 10 minutes.
- G4ILO-7 is used when I am out and about on foot with my Kenwood TH-D72 hand-held transceiver.