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Date: Thursday, 20 March 2014 01:41:50 UTC
From: David Christmas (VK4DJC)
Home page:
Great site....73's David

Date: Sunday, 16 March 2014 21:11:57 UTC
From: Will (2E0WHN)
Looking at your loop it says to use a 250pF capacitor.

I have a 500pF capacitor and was wondering if this would also work along the same way as your loop article on your site?

Any help would be grateful.

Date: Sunday, 02 March 2014 16:34:23 UTC
From: Etienne (ZS6ZA)
Home page:
Hi Julian.
Fantastic website! I keep coming back to it for information and have recommended it to many other Hams! Keep up the good work.

Date: Sunday, 02 March 2014 02:16:54 UTC
From: Susan
Hi Julian,

Many thanks for your excellent articles on stealth operating, and especially on how to handle antenna issues. Much appreciated here in Seattle.


Date: Tuesday, 18 February 2014 08:06:19 UTC
From: myles (VK6ZRY)

found a cute portable atu

Date: Friday, 24 January 2014 08:37:30 UTC
From: Tom (K9FX)
Hi Julian,
The WSPR work you've done at 20mw is very impressive! Also appreciated your review of the MFJ loops. I have similar antenna restrictions to yours and am now much more optimistic about setting up a stealth station and seeing what is possible!



Date: Saturday, 11 January 2014 01:08:28 UTC
From: Paolo (SWL-I3.67175)
A long time ago in a place far, far away . . . . I had programmed a software in GWBASIC & DOS very similar at VOAProp. in the followed years I have always promised myself to move it to Windows, but because of my laziness. . . . . Good, now I have found VOAProp. Very thanks Julian!

Date: Friday, 03 January 2014 13:10:08 UTC
From: nicke
Home page:
Hi, is it possible to use a LNB as some kind
Of downconverter?
From 1700mhz to 137mhz?
Ore other useful parts from old dvbs receiver?

Date: Thursday, 02 January 2014 06:10:35 UTC
From: Ralph (VK2FRLT)
Congratulations! A very informative website. Keep up the great work.

Date: Wednesday, 01 January 2014 22:55:21 UTC
From: Martin (OK7MS)
Home page:
Hi Julian. I have what is probably a "stupid" question about your QFH antenna for NOAA reception.

Every article I found specifies millimeter accuracy. Your howto specifies 221.6cm for the longer loop and 122.15cm for the short halves.

But here comes the question. Is the space needed for soldering the wires accounted for? When you connect two wires, there has to be certain amount of overlap. And when millimeter accuracy is needed, the size of the overlap matters.

Thanks for the website, it contains a lot of interesting information.

I was a bit saddened by your linux article though. I understand the software choice argument and agree with it, but there were too many inaccuracies there about the support for binary distributed software (there are Linux Standard Base, /opt and .local mechanisms..) and you never mentioned the distribution's name.

Date: Friday, 27 December 2013 07:10:38 UTC
From: Duane Cook (NL7X)
Tnx for all your interesting hints and contributions. I hope your health is improving. Seasons Greetings to You and Yours from the Tropical Alaska Interior!
de Nl7x

Date: Thursday, 19 December 2013 19:36:38 UTC
From: Nicke
Home page:
New at this,LEO stuff,
Built your design of qfh and it works fine!
When/if you feel like view my result pictures please do, and comment.
I need feedback :)

Date: Tuesday, 03 December 2013 19:42:50 UTC
From: Terry Morris (KB8AMZ)
Hello Julian, nice stealth setup. I have been QRP operator since 1986 when I received my Novice Ticket. I still own my 1st rig, Heathkit HW-9.

Sorry to hear about your distaste with Linux. I run Linux exclusively and only use Open Source Software in my Amateur Radio hobby. Linux has come a long way since you abandoned it in 2008. But to each his own, just as in this hobby. Some of us like HF CW and some HF Phone, and others only anything above 30 MHz which is one of the principles that makes this hobby so great.

Hope to catch on HF QRP CW someday. 73 OM de KB8AMZ, Terry

Date: Tuesday, 26 November 2013 14:11:22 UTC
From: Mark Richards (K1MGY)

Thanks so very much for your VOAProp software which I discovered this morning while looking for information on the Beacon network. It's brilliantly done and quite a contribution to Amateur Radio.

Your morse training tool is also well done. Although I am naturally proficient my son is just learning at age 11, and I do think this will be of help. So thanks for this, too!

I read of your tumour trouble with sadness and send you my cheers and best wishes.



Date: Saturday, 23 November 2013 23:14:23 UTC
From: Steve (VK4FEEL)
Thank You very much for your propogation predictor very rarely is it ever mistaken, has helped me get some hard to get countries and QSO's.

73's VK4FEEL Steve

Date: Monday, 28 October 2013 17:49:56 UTC
From: Fred Bergman (AE2R)
Thank you for all of the work you have given to the world.

May God bless you

73, Fred

Date: Tuesday, 22 October 2013 05:23:46 UTC
From: Vincent POLIS (KC3AFY)
Thanks for the website. I have been searching for info on this type of ham radio operations. I am a new ham and this site is a real boost for me.
I dont have a lot to spend on a new rig and was thinking about the Yaesu 817 for a base station and portable I have attic space! So 5 watts is possible to work the world!

Date: Sunday, 20 October 2013 16:01:16 UTC
From: Claude DuchĂȘne (ON5BIP)
Hi, Julian. I'm looking on your website for years. Very interesting ! Thanks therefore. I'm an old technician from telephon and bank cards machines. I've got a FT-817. Because I'm a survivalist, stealth antennas, and so on are my need. Thanks Julian.

Date: Friday, 11 October 2013 16:19:42 UTC
From: Jo (DL1JRM)
Dear Julian,
I'm glad to read that your op went well! All the very best now for a speedy and good recovery! Olga and yourself are included in my prayers. Get well soon, Jo

Date: Friday, 11 October 2013 02:57:58 UTC

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