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Date: Tuesday, 18 June 2019 23:27:36 UTC
From: Rich (AA1RM)
Just D/L your pgm its awesome

Date: Saturday, 08 June 2019 13:28:40 UTC
From: Dennis (K2DCD)
Thank you for keeping this site alive with all Julian poured into it.

Date: Saturday, 25 May 2019 20:35:57 UTC
From: Karel (OK1PKZ)
I am 68 years old and I'm learning morse.MoreGet is a great program. I believe I can handle it. Best regards and thank you. Karel

Date: Thursday, 16 May 2019 13:35:33 UTC
From: Salvo (IW1AYD)
Just to remember a friend.

Ciao Julian.

I was happy that someone will take care of Julian's work. Thank to M0NOM Mark and all others. Great job.

73 de iw1ayd Salvo

Date: Friday, 01 March 2019 12:15:37 UTC
From: John, Cornwall
Not a radio ham. Learning morse code for the exercise, and it is proving strenuous. G4IlO's MorseGen is proving invaluable in getting me on. Thanks for leaving it available. One small tip: to get it to save the practice files, I've copied the lame and morsegen application files to a Desktop folder and used that to make a taskbar shortcut, not the original installation - though that is staying in situ. For some reason, it won't save them on this computer in the installed Program(x86) location. Working perfectly in Windows 7.

Date: Monday, 18 February 2019 13:59:11 UTC
From: Brian (M0YBM)
very informative site and a worthy tribute, thanks for providing continuing access.

Date: Monday, 28 January 2019 11:40:42 UTC
From: Phil Catterall (G4OBK)
Home page:
Just stopping by to remember Julian G4ILO (SK) and his work in creating the WOTA Wainwrights On The Air almost 10 years ago, in March 2009. The website and tools Julian crafted is now in the care of Mark M0NOM and a management team. The WOTA Program has given great pleasure to many fellwalking radio amateurs and is something for which Julian's work in creating it continues to be appreciated years after his passing.
73 de Phil G4OBK

Date: Tuesday, 22 January 2019 12:32:03 UTC
From: Vytenis (LY2KZ)
Sad to hear Julian is SK. I think current solar data part of WebProp does not work because NOAA changed WWV.txt values location. Can someone fix that?

Date: Thursday, 17 January 2019 02:18:39 UTC
From: Rich (AA1IB)
Thanks for info on the MFJ mag loop for Apartment use. Very Helpful. 73's

Date: Thursday, 27 December 2018 04:39:16 UTC
From: Richard (KN4FRP)
Thanks to whomever is keeping this site online. An excellent resource.

Date: Friday, 07 December 2018 00:54:14 UTC
From: SREE (VU2OB)
Very informative page for all. de vu2ob

Date: Saturday, 10 November 2018 22:12:40 UTC
From: .Michael (KM4ZQI)
Hello from across the pond! What led me to your site was researching Sat antennas. Great read and thanks for writing about it. Really great info.

Date: Tuesday, 06 November 2018 21:11:18 UTC
From: Kevin (2E0KLA)
I have lost track of the number of times I have ended up on your site. Its always been informative, helpful and encouraging. Tidy and simple a website I have comes across.

My heart sank when for the first time I stummbled across the fact you are silent key.

By sharing you remain an influence on us all through your website.

Thank you.

Date: Wednesday, 24 October 2018 02:51:32 UTC
From: Danny (K2DNY)
Thanks for the info on your page. I just got a 817 from a friend and it has been frustrating not getting it to tune any stations. It came with a small loop antenna from WonderWand. I know I will have more success with better antennas. All the best to you.

Date: Monday, 22 October 2018 14:08:33 UTC
From: Allan (WA9IRS)
Home page: http://N.A.
Thank you sincerely for the many items for pondering. I am an old operator trying to brush up my morse skill set after many years and your programs in Morse look like just the ticket to get me back into the game! Many thanks OM!
73,72, WA9IRS

Date: Tuesday, 25 September 2018 09:43:11 UTC
From: Austrian Airlines Phone Number (18882055428)
Home page:
Get low cost cheap flight tickets & best offers deals in austrian airlines just call 1888-205-5428 toll free number for best booking deals.

Date: Sunday, 23 September 2018 10:05:34 UTC
From: Paul (MM3PTS)
It's sad that Julian is now SK .Visited this site a few times over the years and enjoy reading his reviews ect and appreciate the time he took to do all this . He'll be missed in our hobby that's for sure .

Date: Tuesday, 18 September 2018 13:00:33 UTC
From: Giovanni (IW5EHO)
Home page:
Dear G4ILO, even if you are no linger with us reading trough your web site is an incredible motivation to continue with this hobby.

Thank you for all you have left to us.


Date: Wednesday, 22 August 2018 13:27:46 UTC
From: dave c (GW0NVF)
hi mate i am a newly returned amateur after 35 yrs been using your morse tutor and its one of the best back up to 12 wpm bit more to do yet will settle for 15 this programme not given enough praise many thanks dave c

Date: Wednesday, 08 August 2018 17:56:40 UTC
From: Andrew (KI7ZRT)
Home page:
I am a new ham about 30 days with a General Ticket. I have read and reread your site about the magnetic loop antenna. Got book 'Magnetic Loop Antenna (Aldrich Burger & Marek Dvorak) from ARRL. I am considering a two coil loop using the same coax you used for yours using a Hoola Hoop. Design for 40 meters and 7.00 to 7.125 MHz low power QRP (expect I'll pass Amateur Extra).

Before I start I am wondering what is your take on what I will be building and especially if you are aware of any pitfalls that may come my way.


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