Visitors Book
Date: Friday, 07 July 2017 02:56:50 UTC
From: Irv Ferguson (WA6FYV)
Hi, I built your USBlink for my Kenwood TS 520 ...and first step after all is done hook up and both circuits working part PTT should hook up to the PTT of the mic plug? I am not sure on this ... I am new to PSK...old guy...haha. can you help me or clear this up but it works and looks great. Irv
Date: Friday, 16 June 2017 23:04:17 UTC
From: Jay R. Fude (KE0DOX)
Home page:
Linux user, just read your great post on wspr. I'm using wsjt-x under linux, and it has great wspr support baked in, and the same GUI as it uses in the windows world
Date: Thursday, 08 June 2017 16:40:21 UTC
From: David Roberts (GW8NZN)
A wealth of information here from a "hands on" viewpoint. Thanks to the folks in keeping the G4ILO memory alive. Rest in Peace Julian.
Date: Saturday, 20 May 2017 07:18:09 UTC
From: Geoff Gibbon (VK7MHZ)
Thanks for the article on the usb link i built the project and made contact with S55DX in Slovenia firs go long path 23.684 KM. Regards Geoff.VK7MHZ.
Date: Sunday, 30 April 2017 08:32:07 UTC
From: Paul Fleck (VE3HTF)
Sorry to hear of the loss of Julian. Visiting relatives and the Lake District this week.
You promoted two beautiful activities Julian....The Fells of the Lake District and a love of radio!
Date: Friday, 28 April 2017 21:14:11 UTC
From: Dennis Jones (KK0DJ)
It was sad to come to Julian's web page and find that he had passed on. Thanks to whomever decided to keep his effort here alive. Still an enjoyable website to peruse. 73
Date: Saturday, 01 April 2017 21:08:02 UTC
From: Mike Bowles (WH6AH)
Thanks for the DIY mag loop plans. I'm starting on one for my roof (QRP with a K2). Going to make it an octagonal 1/2" copper at 20 foot loop length. Going to have to make my own tuning cap though. Great website!
Date: Thursday, 30 March 2017 02:03:53 UTC
From: Doug Lynch (W4DBL)
Thanks for the Morse SW. I'm just getting back after flunking the Novice CW test 55 years ago. Got an 817 and appreciate the info.
Date: Monday, 27 February 2017 08:17:50 UTC
From: Peter Halliday (VR2VPH)
Home page:
Never met you but found your site looking for VOAProp. R.I.P.
Date: Monday, 27 February 2017 06:02:28 UTC
From: Scott
Never met you Julian, but sure appreciated all the work you did on your website, I've learned a lot from you. 73 and hope conditions are favorable wherever you are. RIP.
Date: Monday, 20 February 2017 22:10:57 UTC
From: Gunnar Trædal-Henden (LA4FU)
I'm a former radio officer in the merchant marine. After many years i have started to work up my morse again, and found your program morse test. Very helpful indeed. Thank you for making it. It really helps. 73 de LA4FU Gunnar
Date: Monday, 30 January 2017 15:32:48 UTC
From: Frédéric (ON8QRP)
I try to use an ATX walkabout antenna. Unfortunately the cable plug is broken inside the 1st of 6 holes of the antenna. There is a part of the male connector inside the hole. Do you have an idea how to take this off from the hole? Thanks for any idea.
Date: Tuesday, 24 January 2017 02:44:18 UTC
From: Bill Bruen (SWL - AIMARC)
Happy to confirm that 'Morse Machine' runs happily under Windows 10 Pro
Date: Sunday, 22 January 2017 18:17:31 UTC
From: Ian (2E0GBA)
Just built you mag loop, left out the swr bridge for now, works great on receiving and had couple of contacts indoors qrp yet to try outside, only issue is the capacitance when I touch the tuning knob? Put my finished loop on Facebook field hams page lots of interest you may get a lot more hits.
Date: Friday, 06 January 2017 19:12:53 UTC
From: Reuben (KC3CUA)
Found your site searching for attic ham antennas! Found lots of good stuff, and tons of links!!!
Thanks and 73
Date: Wednesday, 04 January 2017 02:29:37 UTC
From: Mark (KM4WFI)
Hi: Thanks for the great site. I found your site while searching for DIY solutions like your USB link. Currently waiting on parts to arrive to construct my own.
Date: Saturday, 31 December 2016 08:34:50 UTC
From: Darlene Daly (VE3ZQX)
Thank you for this info. I am a newbie & don't have my radio set up yet. It's an expensive hobby & I am happy to find some place a few dollars can be saved.
Date: Wednesday, 16 November 2016 16:39:23 UTC
From: Mike Reisner (AA9RH)
I just purchased an 817 for the first time and your articles have been excellent help with planning what I need to get the most out of this fun little rig. Thank you.
Date: Friday, 04 November 2016 17:06:56 UTC
From: Ben Spencer (G4YNM)
Thanks for the no-nonsense review of the MFJ-1026. The problem I have with MFJ kit (and I bought some) is the product is designed to the lowest production cost/lowest quality and not built to a quality and this is the price that comes of that quality.
Date: Monday, 31 October 2016 13:43:54 UTC
From: Dave (M3ODQ)
Home page:
You've been away for a couple of years, and still your website is relevant. STILL there are people talking about, and linking to your website.
I don't operate much and sometimes have to think before remembering my callsign! Whenever I see G4ILO, I recognise the call instantly.
Here's to you Julian.
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