Installation and preparation
Installation under Windows
Download the setup program and run it. This will install KComm on your Windows computer.
The following files are installed in the Program Files\KComm folder (or the location you chose):
- kcomm.exe - the program itself
- PSKCore.dll - AE4JY's PSK31/63/125 engine
- PSKReporter.dll - an interface for spotting to
- wf1b.dat - a file containing country data
- prefix.dat - an additional file in the same format as wf1b.dat
- dxclusters.dat - a file containing a list of DX Cluster servers
- default.pal - a palette file for the large PSK31 waterfall
- kcomm.pal - another palette file for the waterfall
- default.macro - an example macro file containing text that can be sent in CW or data modes
- cqwwcw.txt - an example Cabrillo export template
- kcomm.shortcuts - a file containing some sample K3 shortcuts (most will not work with a K2)
Installation under Linux
Download the archive file containing the precompiled binary distribution. Unpack the archive in your home directory. This will create a folder named $HOME/kcomm containing all the files.
Create a menu entry for kcomm in your KDE or Gnome menu. An icon file kcico.xpm has been provided for this.
Configuration files
Once KComm has been used the first time, it will create a file kcomm.conf in the application data folder. This file contains your program settings.
In addition, the file kcomm.shortcuts contain your default shortcuts.
It is recommended that you also store CW and data mode macro sets that you create in this folder.
Updating KComm
If you need to update KComm to a newer version then this may be achieved under Windows simply by running the setup program of the newer version. It will not overwrite your settings files.
You may also wish to update the country data file from time to time. This is downloaded from The file KComm uses is the same file used by the WF1B RTTY software, it is called wf1b.dat.