
ATX Walkabout Antenna

The ATX Walkabout is probably the best small portable whip antenna for use with the FT-817. more...

Elecraft K2

People enjoy ham radio for all sorts of reasons. But for me what makes the hobby unique is that it allows you to build your own equipment and try it out on the air. more...

Elecraft T1

The Elecraft T1 is a compact automatic antenna tuner covering 160 to 6m, suitable for use with radios of 0.5 to 20W output. more...

Jingtong JT-208

The Jingtong JT-208 is a VHF hand-held made in China. These transceivers can be had for as little as £30 on eBay, and even less if you club together with some friends and buy several at a time. more...


The PSK IMD Meter designed by KK7UQ is a small, standalone meter that constantly measures your transmitted IMD products in PSK31 and PSK63 modes, to help you ensure that your signal is always clean. more...


The MFJ Cub is an easy to build CW tranceiver kit that can get you on the air for less than £100. more...

MFJ Magnetic Loop

If you want an antenna that really works, and takes up next to no space, then you can not do better than a magnetic loop. more...

MFJ-1026 Noise & Interference Canceler

The MFJ-1026 is a noise canceler. In order to work, it requires two antennas. One, called the noise sensing antenna, should ideally receive the noise well but wanted signals badly. more...

Miracle Whip Antenna

The Miracle Whip compact antenna for the FT-817 is something of a controversial product. more...

Miracle Whip Buyer's Guide

Is the Miracle Whip the right portable antenna for you? Let this buyer's guide help you decide. more...

MixW RigExpert datamodes interface

The RigExpert is a computer - transceiver interface that requires just a single USB connection to the computer, and includes a dedicated sound card, serial port and CW keyer. It supports full computer control, CW keying plus sound card data modes, and can be used with most ham radio software. more...

Nevada WH3080 SOLAR weather station.

The Nevada WH3080 SOLAR wireless weather station is a full-featured weather station for amateur or hobby use. It comes with sensors for both inside and outside temperature and humidity, more...

RigExpert AA-200 Antenna Analyzer

The RigExpert AA-200 is a portable antenna analyzer intended for amateur or professional use. This review describes its features and usage. more...

Superantennas MP-1 Antenna

The MP-1 from Superantennas was the first antenna I bought for portable operation. Originally, I bought it for use with my Elecraft K2, after reading some recommendations of it on the K2 reflector. more...

Watson 80plus2 Antenna

The 80Plus2 is a wire antenna just 52 feet in length that is designed to cover the 80, 40 and 20 metre bands. It can be fitted into the smallest attic. more...

Wonder Wand L-Whip

I have always been fascinated by the idea of making long distance contacts using small hand-held radios. To make contacts using a station you can set up in a corner of a desk which requires no external antenna - now that's a real challenge! more...

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