
KTune is a small utility that allows you to use a Griffin Powermate USB knob to tune your Elecraft K3 radio. It should work with a K2, too!

Griffin PowerMate

KTune sits in the System Tray and registers "global hot keys" - special key combinations which it alone responds to. These key combinations can be typed on the keyboard - but more usefully, a Griffin PowerMate USB knob can be programmed to generate them. KTune responds to the keystrokes by changing the tuning rate and tuning the radio.

The hot keys used by KTune are:

  • Turn knob clockwise: Ctrl+Alt+Right arrow - tune HF
  • Turn knob anti-clockwise: Ctrl+Alt+Left arrow - tune LF
  • Press knob down: Ctrl+Alt+Up arrow - increase tuning rate
  • Long press down: Ctrl+Alt+Down arrow - set tuning rate to the lowest.
Full instructions for setup and configuration are included in the package.


  • PC running Windows XP (functionality under Windows Vista is untested)
  • Griffin PowerMate USB knob and installed drivers
  • Eterlogic Virtual Serial Port Emulator

Terms and conditions

Please note: Due to health and other reasons I have now completely given up all software development activities. The programs on this site, including this one, are provided with absolutely no support and there will be no further updates of any of them. Bug reports and feature requests are not required. If the source code of a program is available it can be downloaded from the program's web page so that others may, if they wish, continue development under the terms of the GNU GPL. If there is no source code download, it is not available.


Trojan warning! Some third rate virus scanners claim the installer used by my programs is a virus or a trojan. It is not a trojan it is a false alarm. If you choose to believe your scanner rather than me that is up to you. But please don't tell me about it, because I already know. See this blog post for more information.

If you wish to provide a link to this program from your own web pages please link to this page, not directly to the download file.

Change history

Version 1.0.3

  • Changed hot keys to use Ctrl+Alt+arrows to avoid conflict with text editing cursor movement functions

Version 1.0.2

  • Initial released version

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