If you're one of the many hams whose principal operating mode is SSB, then the easiest way to increase your enjoyment of the hobby is to use CW. If you disagree with that statement, then there's a good chance, if you're honest with yourself, that the reason is because you have never been good enough at Morse to make using it an enjoyable experience.
Say what you like about Morse, there's no denying that code can make it when phone would be lost in the noise. And CW opens up the exciting possibility of going on the air using simple transmitters and receivers you can easily build. But if you struggle to copy CW, it's no fun at all.
Many proficient CW operators recommend operating during a major contest as a way to improve your speed. But there aren't contests every day. Now, with my new program MorseTest, you can have a CW contest any time you want. It's the most fun way to improve your Morse proficiency that I know of, and I guarantee that you'll notice an improvement after just a few hours.
MorseTest was intended to be a Morse proficiency builder, not a contest operating trainer. Subsequent to my developing MorseTest, VE3NEA released a very similar looking program called MorseRunner which is a much more realistic contest simulator. If you would like a contest simulator program that runs under Windows, try MorseRunner instead.
- PC running Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP or Vista.
- Sound card configured as default wave output device.
MorseTest will also run under Linux using wine.
Terms and Conditions
Please note: Due to health and other reasons I have now completely given up all software development activities. The programs on this site, including this one, are provided with absolutely no support and there will be no further updates of any of them. Bug reports and feature requests are not required. If the source code of a program is available it can be downloaded from the program's web page so that others may, if they wish, continue development under the terms of the GNU GPL. If there is no source code download, it is not available.
- Download MorseTest 1.3 Setup (585Kb)
- Download as a tar.gz archive for installation under Linux (requires wine)
- Download source code for MorseTest (59Kb)
The source code was compiled using Lazarus, an open source clone of Borland Delphi.
If you wish to provide a link to this program from your own web pages please link to this page, not directly to the download file.
Trojan warning! Some third rate virus scanners claim the installer used by my programs is a virus or a trojan. It is not a trojan it is a false alarm. If you choose to believe your scanner rather than me that is up to you. But please don't tell me about it, because I already know. See this blog post for more information.