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Date: Wednesday, 20 August 2014 21:24:12 UTC
From: Brent (KJ6PEH)
Over the years, while searching online for radio info, I have been directed to your site. So I wanted to say thank you for all you have contributed to amateur radio.
Sorry to hear of the challenges you are facing. I wish the best for you and your family.

Date: Thursday, 14 August 2014 20:47:46 UTC
From: Geoff Haines (N1GY)
Home page:
I was very impressed with your evaluations of various QRP antennas as I have just purchased a FT-817ND and a Buddipole Deluxe antenna. I added a dual band 2/440 antennna to the top of the buddipole versa tee which you can see on my web site listed above. You have a good web site, keep up the good work.

Date: Friday, 08 August 2014 08:35:45 UTC
From: Philippe TROTTET (F5LTB)
Home page:
Dear Julian,
I'm following you for years, and really appreciate your contribution to Ham, particularly the QRP community.
I wish you "beaucoup de courage" as we say in French and firmly hope you will win your fight to stay among us for decades.
Bst 73's
Philippe F5LTB
A65BI (2009-2012)
9Q1TB (2003-2008)

Date: Tuesday, 05 August 2014 01:49:52 UTC
From: Randy Moore (AI4CO)
Thank you for your fantastic contribution to QRP. Your website has sparked my interest in operating QRP. So once again, thank you.

Date: Monday, 04 August 2014 03:22:31 UTC
From: dewaine gillie (VA1DWG)
hi thanks for helping others with their concerns it great to see that in humanity. now i download your usb sound card with the board and sound card glued on could you resend it please. 73 va1dwg

Date: Friday, 25 July 2014 12:09:15 UTC
From: Jim (N6MV)
Hi Julian,
You put together a very nice webpage re: stealth antennas,and couldn't agree more with you as to how effective the MFJ 1786 Hi Q loop works over 10-30MHz, but that's not the case for the MFJ 1788 that covers 7-21 MHz; for it's 3ft diameter is simply too small on 7MHz and its efficiency on 40 meters is less than 10%. For 40 meters, the loop diameter needs to be at least 5 ft in diameter -so you are not operating with a "wet noodle"- which is the case with the MFJ 1788 on 40 meters. Similar to you, I have found that a Hi Q Loop is by far the best antenna for those who have very little real estate. Hope you are doing well, and once again, you are to be commended for your very informative webpage.

73 Jim (N6MV)

Date: Sunday, 13 July 2014 13:17:53 UTC
From: Tristan (G7JRD)
Thank you for the website. Its has been most useful for getting back into the hobby after a long absence and when QRP and stealth will be required. Sorry to hear about your circumstances.

Date: Thursday, 10 July 2014 07:06:32 UTC
From: Allan (ZL1AML)
Home page:
What a wonderful website, Thank you very much for the effort you have put into your site for the benefit of us Radio Amateurs. As I am new to amateur radio it has been a great source of information and has answered a lot of my technical questions. As I explored your site, I become aware of your health issues and was taken by surprise ,it prompted me into dropping you a note to thank you personally, my prayers and thoughts are with you and Olga at this time,

73s Allan - ZL1AML

Date: Friday, 20 June 2014 11:42:21 UTC
From: Rolf Inge Andresen (LA5XFA)
Nice webside you have created! Interesting info about digimodes and other things. I have worked a little with D-Star and have installed a repeater LD8MM (UHF) and have also a Echolink aktive in 24 hours every day. It is easy to communicate when the antenna Daimon X-300 is in my garden! ;) I have also a Igate LA5XFA-10 active. OK...73´s .... de LA5XFA, Rolf (locator: JP66UV)

Date: Friday, 20 June 2014 07:19:11 UTC
From: Robert (KD5FEE)
Nice web site, thank you for the work you have done, best wishes.

Date: Wednesday, 04 June 2014 21:54:21 UTC
From: john (SWL(HX27UK))
Hi Julian sorry you are not feeling to prays and thoughts are with you and Olga.

Here have gone semi covert one moonraker hf discone and comet gp i and antron 99 cb ant with top element changed

to 6foot whip just above the roof ridge.

the rest of my antennas are in the loft to your recomendations thanks for your help best wishes to you both regards john

Date: Thursday, 29 May 2014 02:55:21 UTC
From: thomas l scott (KC7CC) free win32api it runs all windows proggies, also DOS aps. a.k.a. HX. hx runs a GUI and HTTP TCP IP ... it is less than a mega byte. im 70 y.o. building a 80 foot sailboat .. 73's

Date: Monday, 12 May 2014 21:21:52 UTC
From: Tor Schofield (G1YYV)
Hej Julian,
I have been reading your comments on the saq sdr vlf rx, posted some years ago, which are most useful.
I have recently downloaded and installed an updated version but that isn't of any real consequence.
I have one question, I hope you may be able to help me with so I may get the rx working. You mention you should connect the antenna to the left input of the computer soundcard input. My computer has a single 3.5 mm audio in socket and I have a 3.5 mm cable and stereo plug, which has red, white and blue wires. Which wire should I connect the antenna to anf if I then plug into the audi input socket - will it work?
Any help would be much appreciated.


Holmsland Dune, Ringkøbing Fjord, Hvide Sande, Denmark.

Date: Tuesday, 29 April 2014 12:14:03 UTC
From: Boris Yakoffalot (RG58U)
QTH COCKerMOUTH, CUMbria? Haha - must be quite a place!

Date: Saturday, 26 April 2014 00:52:04 UTC
From: Paul Fleck (VE3HTF)
Hi Julian,

Great web site, lots of interesting information. I am visiting relatives in Workington from May 8th thru to May 22, and am bringing my ICOM 7000 and a Buddipole antenna. Hope to catch you on the air or an eyeball QSO! Heading to the Workington Ham club meeting when in town.



Date: Wednesday, 23 April 2014 09:05:24 UTC
From: Pete (G3WBI)
Hi Julian, just stumbled across your web site, it is really very good, and judging by the frequent comments popular, which must make you proud. Just brushing up my CW from yester year so your morse aid will help me to get some speed up. I have bookmarked your web page as I will be back! Many thanks and 73 Pete G3WBI

Date: Tuesday, 22 April 2014 07:51:30 UTC
From: Bob (K6RWM)
Home page:
I really have enjoyed your website, and I am going to try some of the CW apps. I have been licensed over 50 years and had to copy code for my ticket, and I am now getting back into it.
Tnx -- 73
Bob -- K6rwm

Date: Saturday, 12 April 2014 20:01:16 UTC
From: steve (G0HDA)
all the very very best 4 u good luck i enjoy this website best 73s from steve g0hda

Date: Friday, 11 April 2014 17:27:41 UTC
From: Rajesh Nambiar (VU3VOC)
Home page:
Dear Julian,
Wish you good health. My prayers are with you.
There's never a day when I don't remember you especially when I check onto VOAProp every morning.
God bless you.
best 73

Date: Friday, 04 April 2014 09:43:50 UTC
From: dave (G0AYD)
Hello Julian,
I was born in workington and left the lakes in 1966 when i joined the forces,i never returned as things down here near Salisbury had better opportunities.Ive just recieved a qsl card from you from 2008.seems like it must have walked here!!!!. Ive just bought a k3/100 and sold all my radio gear to get it and am really glad i did.ive also a K2/100 which i built way back in 2006 and never gone wrong..Sorry to hear about your circumstances.Good luck Regards Dave G0AYD..

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