Importing log data
KComm keeps log data in the same format as the MixW multimode program. Therefore to transfer your MixW contacts to KComm just point KComm at a copy of the MixW log file.
ADIF import
If you have used other software to manage your contact logs and this software can export this log data in ADIF format then you can import these contacts into KComm. Just right-click (Linux: middle-click) the log window and select Import ADIF File. Then select the file you exported from the other software. In the status bar you should see "Importing record n" as each record is imported.
Because there are differences in the way some log programs interpret the ADIF format, and even differences in the way some data fields are stored, it is possible that some log files may not be correctly imported into KComm, and even that your log may be corrupted. If this should occur, then a copy of the log file before the import started can be recovered. It has the same filename as the original log file but the suffix (extension) is changed to .bak.
Re-sorting the log.
If log records are in the wrong order after editing or importing records then they may be re-sorted. Right-click (Linux: middle-click) the log window and select Re-sort log.