Export to ADIF
Exporting to an ADIF file is very simple. You simply need to select the set of data fields you wish to export, then click Export and choose a name for the output file.

The ADIF export options are:
- eQSL fields - only the fields required to import contacts to eQSL.cc are included in the exported file.
- QSL card fields - the fields required to submit to a QSL card service such as GlobalQSL are exported. When this option is used, the "QSL Sent" field in the log is also updated. This option has some additional options to help exclude contacts that you may not wish to QSL:
- Exclude contest contacts: contacts with a contest exchange logged will be excluded;
- Exclude VHF/UHF FM contacts: contacts logged on the 2m band and higher using FM mode, which are usually local contacts, are excluded;
- Exclude QSL already sent: contacts for which a QSL has already been sent are excluded. - Contest log fields - only the fields needed to provide a complete record of a contest contact, including report and exchange sent and received, are included in the exported file.
- All fields - all completed fields are included in the exported file.
The All fields option should be used if doubt exists as to the most appropriate option to use, as most ADIF importers will simply ignore those fields they don't need.
Next page: Export to Cabrillo
Previous page: Exporting log data