
Log settingsThe Logging settings determine how and where contacts are logged. The following settings are available:

  • Your call - enter your callsign.
  • Locator - enter your QTH locator. This is optional, but allows distances and bearings to be computed with greater accuracy.
  • Power - enter the power you use. This can be used in CW and data macros. It is overridden by the actual power set on the radio when connected to an Elecraft K2 or K3.
  • Real signal reports - if checked, KComm will update the signal report data with live readings from the radio S meter.
  • Antenna 1/2 - enter the names of the antennas connected to the two antenna sockets (if the KAT module is installed.) This is displayed on the status like and also used in CW and text macros.
  • Log file - the default is fine, but if you use MixW you can point this to the MixW.log file, or a copy of it. You may wish to use separate log files for different periods of operation, or for contests.
  • Backup log at shutdown - if checked, KComm will create a copy of the log whenever the program closes. This may be used to create a backup copy on another drive. You may even specify an FTP server (such as a web server) as the location for the backup copy, using the syntax: ftp://user:password@ftp.yourdomain.com/folder/filename.
  • Parse received text in to log fields - if checked and a digital mode or CW decoder is used, KComm will attempt to identify the call, RST, name, QTH and locator from the incoming text and copy it into the respective log fields. Note: RST, name, QTH and locator will only be filled once the QSO has started; the call field will only be updated if a QSO has not started. To prevent other calls overwriting that of the DX whilst receiving a pileup, click "Log start".
  • Spot decoded calls to pskreporter.info (Windows only) - if checked, callsigns parsed from text will also be spotted to the PSK Reporter website.

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